[ Overview |
lucernhammer MT |
Serenity |
Galaxy |
Orion |
Lyra |
Emerald ]
[ lucernhammer RCS Server |
Benchmark Data |
Ordering Information ]
Q: What does the lucernhammer code suite do?
A : lucernhammer calculates the scattered far electric field and radar cross section (RCS) of realistic radar targets, using exact and approximate electromagnetic methods. Targets are represented using computer-aided design (CAD) models.
Q: What types of radar targets are the codes designed to handle?
A : The codes are design for three-dimensional radar targets or arbitrary shape. Targets objects can be perfectly conducting (PEC), or have conducting and bulk dielectric parts. Dielectric parts can be lossless or lossy.
Q: Electromagnetic theory is well-documented in unclassified, public-domain sources, so why is the distribution of lucernhammer restricted?
A : lucernhammer is used in computing the electromagnetic signatures of military hardware, and is restricted by the Arms Export Control Act of 1976. All buyers must submit a valid form DD2345 before they can purchase or evaluate the software.
Q: Do I need additional software tools or anything else to use the lucernhammer suite?
A : Most users have their own facet model database or resources for generating CAD models on their own. For CAD and facet model generation we use and recommend Rhinoceros 3D by Robert McNeel and Associates. Some users have also developed wrappers or scripts that populate the input files and then drive the codes in an automated fashion.
Q : Who funds or sponsors the lucernhammer code suite?
A : lucernhammer is funded and developed solely by Tripoint Industries. Its development is not directed by any government agency or dependent on goverment funding.
Q : Is lucernhammer officially "validated" or recognized by any agency?
A : The lucernhammer suite of tools has been extensively verified by comparison against published measured data, radar flight test data, chamber measurements, and results from other computational electromagnetics codes. The tools have also been used extensively in computing synthetic signature databases in support of Missile Defense Agency programs.
Q : Can we offer suggestions for additional features?
A : Yes.
Q : lucernhammer has bug. Will you fix it, and how long will it take?
A : If you have a bug, send us a bug report. We will work with end-user the user on an individual basis to make sure the problem is understood and repaired to their satisfaction. We typically resolve bugs and other issues with a very fast turnaround time.
Q : Will you implement a custom feature?
A : It can be done under contract. Please contact us to discuss your feature.
Q : Is the source code available?
A : Source code is available under several licensing arrangements. Please contact us if you are interested.