Galaxy - Body of Revolution Method of Moments Simulation

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Galaxy is a low-frequency radar cross section (RCS) and signature prediction code that uses the Body of Revolution Method of Moments (MoM-BOR) technique to treat rotationally symmetric, three-dimensional objects. The approach in Galaxy makes practical wide-bandwidth simulations of many realistic scattering shapes such as reentry vehicles.

Feature Details

  • Monostatic and Bistatic complex-valued scattered far field and RCS.

  • Supports conducting (PEC) objects, as well as objects having conducting and homogeneous dielectric regions. Dielectrics may be lossy, and junctions are allowed.

  • Available for shared memory (SMP) as well as distributed memory systems (using MPI).

  • Reentry vehicles, such as the triconic with cavity show in a partial outline above, can be simulated over multiple frequencies to obtain wideband static patterns, incorporating all effects such as traveling and creeping waves, multiple diffractions, and delayed returns from cavities, illustrated below for this RV at C-Band.

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