[ Overview |
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[ lucernhammer RCS Server |
Benchmark Data |
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Below are found several collections of of benchmark radar targets and corresponding input files and radar cross section (RCS) data computed by Serenity, Galaxy, and lucernhammer MT. Some of these test cases were included in our book The Method of Moments in Electromagnetics, Third Edition, and others are unique to this collection.
All code input files, CAD files (ACAD-type .facet files), and output file are provided. These data sets are provided in the hope that it helps in the development and testing of other computational electromagnetics (CEM) codes. Existing lucernhammer customers can download and run each test case right away with only minor changes to input files.
Please contact Walton C. Gibson with any questions or comments.
These benchmarks were published in several IEEE journal papers as well as publicly available US Government technical reports.
These targets comprise several thin plate radar targets that were described and measured in the following paper:
A. C. Woo, H. T. G. Wang, M. J. Schuh, and M. L. Sanders, "Benchmark plate radar targets for the validation of computational electromagnetics programs," IEEE Antennas Propagat. Magazine, vol. 34, pp. 52-56, December 1992.
EMCC Three-Dimensional Benchmark Targets
These targets comprise several three-dimensional radar targets that were described and measured in the following papers and reports:
A. C. Woo, H. T. G. Wang, M. J. Schuh, and M. L. Sanders, "Benchmark radar targets for the validation of computational electromagnetics programs," IEEE Antennas Propagat. Magazine, vol. 35, pp. 84-89, February 1993.
A. Greenwood, "Electromagnetic Code Consortium Benchmarks," Tech. Rep. AFRL-DE-TR-2001-1086, Air Force Research Laboratory, December 2001.
These benchmarks comprise a collection of conducting (PEC), fully dielectric, and composite (PEC/dielectric) spheres. RCS data computed by Serenity and Galaxy, and the corresponding Mie series RCS, as well as MATLAB scripts for computing the Mie data, are also presented.
These benchmarks comprise a collection of various bodies of revolution (BoRs), which can all be simulated by Serenity, Galaxy, and lucernhammer MT. These will allows us to compare and contrast capabilities of these low and high frequency solvers.
These benchmarks comprise a collection of RCS benchmark targets and corresponding measurements. The suite comprises conducting (PEC) as well as fully dielectric and conducting/dielectric (composite) objects, making it an excellent resource for testing the material handling capabilities of CEM codes. The suite is available on github via the following link:
Even though the UT Austin RCS benchmarks are freely available via the Creative Commons license, we will not reproduce their measurement data here. We will only provide facet models used in our simulations, some of which may be derived from CAD models provided in the suite. If a facet model herein was taken from the suite and converted for use in our tools, we will provide a notation as to its source in the benchmark.
These benchmarks comprise conducting, fully dielectric and composite almonds. These benchmarks comprise a revisit (and an extension) of the the NASA almond that was considered previously by the EMCC.
These benchmarks comprise a suite PEC, dielectric, and MAGRAM loaded thin plates.
These benchmarks comprise a suite of reproducible aircraft models, with and without inlet ducts.
These benchmarks comprise a suite of "camera boxes" (hexagonal prisms), with and without inlet ducts.