lucernhammer : Electromagnetic Signature / Radar Cross Section Prediction
[ Overview |
lucernhammer MT |
Serenity |
Galaxy |
Orion |
Lyra |
Emerald |
Sapphire ]
[ lucernhammer RCS Server |
Benchmark Data |
Ordering Information ]
The lucernhammer MT RCS Server is a TCP-IP-based network server, based on the
lucernhammer MT high-frequency radar cross section (RCS) and signature prediction code.
This server, pollable by clients in an in-line fashion, provides on-demand high-precision RCS data at arbitrary angles and
Feature Details
- Linux-based server.
- Eliminates the need to pre-compute and store large lookup tables in the form of field or signature files, or scattering
center files. This avoids the "roll cut" problem, where pre-computed data products are often highly undersampled in roll angle,
or provided at only a single roll angle.
- All electromagnetics found in the lucernhammer MT RCS code are supported, with identical
input files.
- Multi-threaded calculation engine, supporting an arbitrary number of simultaneous TCP/IP network clients.
- Easy-to-use example client implementations, as well as driver scripts, are provided in both C++ and MATLAB.
lucernhammer (C) 2023, Tripoint Industries. All Rights Reserved